They can be found in the basement of Glover Mallory's house along with the rest of the set, however Mallory will only give you the key to his basement after you complete Paid in Full. The Blackguard's Boots are the boots of a set of armor that also includes a chestpiece, gloves and a hood. For a list of the other available armor, see the armor category. For other unique items in the game, see the Unique Items article. For unique items that are needed to complete quests, please see the Quest Items article. Many of these items are quest rewards, although some of the most valuable quest rewards are listed at Leveled Items (unique items, but with level-dependent statistics) and Artifacts (unusually powerful unique items with unique appearances and enchantments). Improving enchanted armor requires the Arcane Blacksmith perk. Some of these armors can be improved through smithing.

Unique Armor is a type of armor available in Skyrim that is generally found in fixed locations, unlike most equipment in the game, which are randomly generated or generic equipment (see Generic Magic Apparel).