If the holding's province is the same as its direct holder's capital, there is a +50% bonus if the holder is an independent ruler, and a +25% bonus if (s)he is a vassal Duke(Duchess) or King(Queen) (no bonus otherwise).-15% wrong religion or -25% wrong religion group.-15% wrong culture or -25% wrong culture group.Tribal incompatibility: Penalties for tribes if the holder and province have different religion or culture:.Religion bonus: Some pagan religions have +10%, +20%, or +30% levy size modifiers.Only applies to holdings directly held by Counts, Dukes, Kings or Emperors who assign their Marshal to train troops on the province the holding is in. Train troops: A bonus from the Marshal, which is +2.5% per martial attribute point of the Marshal, when assigned to "Train Troops" in a province.Buildings bonus: Some buildings, such as the Castle Keep, increase levy size as a percentage modifier.This significantly affects the levy size, e.g., -50% at 0 skill and +50% at 20 skill. Martial skill: 5% * (martial skill - 10).Levy size modifiers is the sum of modifiers from:.Additional buildings levy brought by buildings.

5.3 Setting Ideal Levy Laws (Without Conclave active).